A department store is a public place for shopping every thing, gifts, kitchen set and housewares, etc. The design of the store usually designed in a common design such as another shop interior design, I think that Bristo Farms store is different with another shop design, with a Dessert Style, this grocery store is designed with coloring theme like a dessert with warm color. The entrance door is designed such as a Mediterranean home design, but the interior design was different, the floor plans and the colors are beautiful, The first thing you DON'T see when you walk in is the check-out cashiers. In fact, they're nearly hidden off to the right side. It's NOT the typical warehouse look with several long isles of produce stacked on shelves.
It is a beautifully decorated and intricate amalgamation of sections and islands. Each department is it's own microcosm of allure and fascination.
The deli has a freshly baked pizza section where you can buy it by-the-slice or carry out whole, and next to that is a hand-carved meat sandwich bar. And it's all conveniently located next to the cafe, which offers even more choices of prepared foods. The cafe is just to the left of the deli area, but I couldn't get a picture because there were too many people in the way!
Even the cheese section is carefully thought out with presentation in mind. I don't know why, but I've always had a fascination with those big cheese wheels. The interiors
are designed specially for each section. Just visit desertsociety to get more information about the Bristo Famrs.
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